Right guys - got a call from Martyn @ MVS last night - Phoenix's inertia problems were probably due to the fact they must had sized the engine in the available space then parked it (without telling me). So the initial 'it should fit okay' presumption wasn't entirely correct..
Martyn says the engine is just simply too big for the current chassis so various tubes etc will need to be cut and a new tubular rear end made up. Also the oil filter will need relocated by remote and even the short nose water pump introdues too much so will switch to an electric pump.
We're also going to go with a fab'd long-range fuel tank.It's actually best to do the whole thing and compromise the things that can be added later without upsetting the overall balance. Apparently he'll have to tilt the engine to get the upside down G50-50 more level with the rear hubs so that the shafts will last longer than 5 seconds.
That means he'd be tilting the intake manifold and downdraught carb.. That'll mess the float champer I'm guessing so an adaptor plate will be needed..
The stepped-stahl headers also wont work so he's getting an ex-F1 guy to make me up some, which apparently rock and he found an imbalance in the measurements between the two banks anyway - that's probably because they're either a) for an oval set-up or b) they were rubbish.
Explains why no one has done this outside of a spaceframe.
Pics to follow - promise.