Latest pics (April 2011)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Airbox update

Well I've finally got there - to be honest the box is A1 but the seal between box lid and scoop was awful. luckily I had some polyurethane sealant/adhensive on the shelf so applied liberal amounts ot the join and bolted it all down tightly. I;ve used draft excluded adhensive tape on all of the other joins.. so fingers crossed.

Tonight I drilled the 7 hols for the special threaded rivets that use one of those fancy torque tools. All line up pretty well with the box and I have some decent screws that will do in the short term. Mullig whether I shoudl countersink the holes for the rivets - would then get more of a flush fit between roof panel and the lip of the air box that's bolted to it.

Scoop looks okay amd will look fine once on the car tho it doesn't look the money that's been spent on it.

Filter oiled and ready to go in - diameters measured and Dunc has ordered the requireed pipework.

Lots to do on Friday - but looks more positive now - then it all comes down to the rollers at Dastek.

Tomorrow I need to finish the last peice of the airbox assembly which is a very crude twisted bracket that will support/secure the airbox in the frame,

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