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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Notes from Garry Kemp (proposed 910 engine)

"I think ceramic coating is worthwhile at times; but the Esprit engine won't need that much: the pistons have chrome plated crowns and grafal coated skirts as standard. The exhaust manifold may be worthwhile; but beyond that I can't see anything in particular need of coating.

No problem to put my name on the engine; but if you don't mind I would like to agree the format. The inlet cam is the only one I'd change - I have one with more lift but similar overall duration to stock - which means it won't screw up the calibration of the race chip.

I don't think you need adjustable pulleys; I would swap to 104 / 104 cam timing; but you can use a production pulley for that. I would stick with the stock SE water pump; it works well and we don't have money to throw around on non essentials; although I may fit a larger pulley to slow it down a little. I would rather save money on bits and pieces and fit a set of rods or a dry sump, if we can run to it; than tinker around the edges.

Your larger chargecooler is fine; an electric chargecoler pump is worthwhile - I can find a large capacity one - there is a 21 litre per minute item available; but most people use the davies craig one which only flows 13L. I'll get the bigger one. a stock alternator will be fine; maybe with a slightly larger pulley. The standard starter has gear reduction and is an excellent item - no need to change that.

I will modify the sump and oil system; although it won't need an external feed. The Lotus engine suffers the opposite problem - it overfeeds the head and needs a restrictor to stop it doing that."

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