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Friday, November 02, 2007

The Bombay Ballad of Jonny Blur .. (Bombay TV)

The characters Jonny 'Blurry' Beckett - The Virtual Driver (co-acted by Jon's toupe), Mrs Blur - the wife Yoshi - the manager and underground street racer, McKeann - Ginger Nemesis and mad Lotus driver, Roger - The Mob Boss (aka 'the doc') Ross - the drag quee., I mean king.

Chapter1: Blur can't take it any more

Chapter 2: The deal is done with the corrupt doctor

Chapter 3: Finally Blur can make his come back tour

Chapter 4: Blur teaches Yoshi the pain of McKeann

Chapter 5:The Doc's men come looking for their money

What happens next? You decide - stay tuned or post up the next chapter.

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